The Gospel And The Problem Of Sin
How The gospel Addresses The Problem Of Sin
1. Number of years ago – “Whatever Happened to Sin” –
a. The problem was NOT quilt feelings - but GUILT.
b. They were not just suffering the FEELINGS – but they were actually guilty.
2. This is a relevant question, for today “SIN” is often taken too lightly…
a. by the World – which is to be expected
b. By the ‘religious’ – for they want only to be accepted on THEIR terms
c. by the church – for we are being influenced by the thinking of the world. (as seen in so many churches turning to solving worldly problems and not spiritual!
3. Exactly what is Sin??
a. A Transgression of the law of God – 1 John 3:4
b. A failure to do what you know to be right – James 4:17
c. Doing that which violates YOUR conscience, even if the act is right within itself – Rom. 14:23
4. The Bible also reveals the seriousness of sin, which is seen…
a. In its UNIVERSALITY – “all have sinned’ – Rom. 3:23
b. In its CONSEQUENCES – “the wages of sin is death…” (Rom. 6:23).
5. YET – many not appreciate SIN and the GOSPEL – for they do not understand how the gospel solves the problem (nor what the problem really is)
1. The Problem Of Sin
a. There is the LOVE of sin
1. Sin does have its pleasurable nature – Heb. 11:24-25
2. It is this pleasurable side that makes it easy for men to love sin, which in turn can then blind them to the truth -–John 3:19
b. There is the PRACTICE of sin
1. The seriousness of this aspect of sin is seen in that ALL have sinned – Rom. 3:23
2. Even Christians are not exempt from the committing of such – 1 John 1:8-10
c. There is the STATE of sin –
1. Those who both love and practice sin are said to be DEAD “IN” sin – Eph. 2:1f
2. This pertains to our relationship to God, as far as He is concerned, our practice of sin places us in a STATE in which we are DEAD “TO” Him…
a. This is due to the RIGHTEOUS character of God –
b. This is seen in His HOLINESS –
d. There is the GUILT of sin
1. In the scriptures, this refers primarily to ‘LEGAL’ guilt, but it often includes as well ‘EMOTIONAL’ guilt. (guilt feelings, shame, despair)
2. We may try to deny or suppress this truth, but a HOLY God still recognizes our guilt before Him, Rom. 3:19
e. There is the POWER of sin
1. Sin is so powerful, that even when a person wants to do good, outside of Christ they are unable to do so consistently
2. As an illustration, see Rom. 7:14-21
f. Finally, there is the RESULT of Sin –
1. The wages of sin is death – Rom. 3:23
2. In the scriptures, death includes the idea of separation – (e.g., physical death is the separation of body and spirit, James 2:26).
a. The result of sin is “spiritual death,” or separation from God.
b. Such separation exists in this life, but even more so in the life to com -= Rev. 21:8.
Such is the problem of sin … do we appreciate what a serious problem it really is?
How does the gospel address this problem? Bear in mind that the gospel consists of:
1. FACTS to believe
2. COMMANDS to obey
3. PROMISES to receive
The FACTS to believe are concisely stated in 1 Cor. 15:1-4, which reveal things that God had done in Christ. These things which God has done make it possible for the COMMMANDS and PROMISES of the gospel to really address the problem of sin!
2. How the gospel addresses the problem of SIN
a. The command to BELIEVE in Christ addresses the LOVE of Sin
1. That it is necessary to believe is evident from Mark 16:15-16
2. When a person really believes in Christ and the FACTS the gospel tells about Him
a. They will come to HATE sin for what it cost God and Christ
b. They will have the attitude expressed in Ps. 119:104
3. The point is, true faith will help to eliminate our LOVE for sin –
b. the command to REPENT addresses the PRACTICE of sin
1. The gospel clearly calls mankind to repent – Acts 2:38, 17:30-31, etc.
2. When a person truly repents (a decision of the mind that leads to a change of action), they will cease living a life devoted to sin
c. The command to be BAPTIZED INTO CHRIST addresses the STATE of sin
1. Remember, outside of Christ = dead IN sin,
2. The gospel includes the call to be baptized – Matt. 28:18-19, Mark 16:15-6; Acts 2:38; etc.
3. When we are baptized, our STATE changes – for we are baptized INTO Christ
a. Hence, baptism puts us INTO Christ – Gal. 3:26-27
b. In Christ, we are not DEAD TO SIN, no longer dead IN sin – Rom. 6:1-7
d. The promise of remission of sins addresses the GUILT of sin
1. We are baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38), to ‘wash away sins’ (22:16)
2. AS such, before God we are righteous – forgiven – legally acceptable.
3. In OUR minds, there should also be found the peace of God, having now been reconciled…
e. The promises of such new relationship addresses the POWER of sin – for God will help us to overcome sin–
1. By the spirit we put to death the deeds of the flesh – Rom. 8: 12-13
2. It is GOD who works in us – (through the power of the word) --
f. the Promise of Eternal LIFE – address the RESULT of sin
1. Instead of spiritual death and eternal separation from God, we can have spiritual life and eternal communion with Him!
2. As Paul put it: (Rom. 6:23)
“for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
1. The gospel is God’s power to address sin in OUR lives –
2. It can convince of our sins, It can reveal the conditions for forgiveness, it can reveal the way of righteousness, it can strengthen us in our spiritual battle, it can give us life….
3. Have you:
a. believed the FACTS
b. Obeyed the COMMANDS
c. Received the PROMISES –